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Showing posts from February, 2020

UPSC current affairs and editorial notes ,February 24

The HINDU editorial notes for UPSC February 24,2020   1) Keep up the pressure , Holding Pakistan accountable for Terrorism                     The 39 member FATF group involving India in its latest plenary has extended Pakistan's deadline to June 2020 to complete the 27 point action plan on terrorism . Currently positioned in grey list , Pakistan faces difficulties in accessing funds from international economic institution such as IMF,WB If adequate measures are not done to tighten security & to funding loopholes which designated terror groups like (Taliban ,LeT ) exploit ,then Pakistan can be put in blacklist  At present Iran and North Korea are in blacklist category Pic credits: Wire                           FATF has also called on Pakistan to begin prosecution against terrorist and sanction entities found violating UNSC  rules for designated terrorist organizations. Pakistan has been evading the process of blacklisting due to FATF consensus framewor