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RStv Big picture summary notes -India France Ties

RStv Big picture summary notes

Topic: India France Ties

Useful for GS2 -

Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests

        PM Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron met on the sidelines of recently concluded G7 summit (France).

  1. France reiterated its support on India’s bid for permanent membership in UNSC
  2. Both countries in a joint communique resolved to ensure Freedom of navigation in the Indo-Pacific and multilateralism
  3. On Afghanistan,Both countries support an inclusive and reconciliatory peace process which is Afghan led Afghan owned and Afghan controlled.
  4. On Iran nuclear deal,they agreed that full compliance with JCPOA deal and UNSC resolution 2231 is vital for regional and international peace
  5. Following the Christchurch call to Action summit to combat online extremism,they resolved against hateful content online and resolved towards a open and reliable cyber space 
France a time-tested ally:
  • During the cold war ,France despite being in US bloc supported a non aligned India
  • France was the first of 35 countries with India signed strategic partnership

Expanding horizons of cooperation in today’s world:

  • Cooperation- frontier areas, cyberspace, AI, Indo Pacific Strategic challenges,
  • Recently India’s communication satellite GSAT 31 was launched from French Guyana in Ariane launch vehicle
  • India and France had earlier formed a working group to chalk out ways to cooperate on the Gaganyaan project
  • In defence .the Rafale aircraft purchase and closer cooperation in Indo -Pacific are worth noting
  • With the rise of Chinese hegemony in Indo-Pacific ,India and France has started cooperating with each other to keep Indo-Pacific free and open
  • France possess high tech submarine and nuclear technology ,India requires such resources urgently
  • Besides the diplomatic clout of France has been increasing , it has emerged as a major player in the EU and it has always been in supportive of a multilateral world order
  • France has supported India’s proposal to sanction Pakistan based terror groups
  • The bilateral trade(2018) stood at around 12 billion and if EU-India FTA is facilitated it will further boost trade 
  • People to people cultural ties and tourism must be facilitated further
Thus India-France Partnership stands strong amidst global uncertainties and looks to greater heights.
