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RStv big pictute debate summary- India Trumps Pakistan

RStv Big picture summary notes

Topic: India Trumps Pakistan

Episode date: August 26

Useful for GS 2 -Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian diaspora


  • In the recently concluded G7 summit at France,while at a bilateral meet between PM Modi and US president Trump ,PM Modi made it clear that Kashmir issue is a bilateral issue and hence does not require any third party mediation.
  • This statement was necessitated as Trump has lately been making controversial statements such as “PM Modi asked me to mediate in kashmir issue” ,many consider this behavior of President Trump as an attempt to please Pakistan in quid pro quo cause for Pakistan's help in bringing Taliban to the negotiating table which is essential for US troops withdrawal
  • Pakistan wants to Internationalize the kashmir issue post India's abrogation of special status to kashmir and the making of J&K as union territory stating that this is against the will of Kashmiris
  • The Indian government has thwarted all the attempts of Pakistan to internationalize the issue,when the issue was brought up in a closed door UNSC discussion ,Pakistan and its all weather friend China wanted to portray India as an occupying force ,but India's ambassador to UN clearly refuted any such claims and clearly articulate that Kashmir is an integral part of Indian government and abrogation of article 370 is therefore an internal matter
  • To the international media's question on alleged human rights violation ,The Ambassador replied back stating that The change in status was carried out according to the Indian Constitution and communication cutoff was taken only as preventive measure and restrictions will be relaxed soon
  • The move to abrogate special status has ended vulnerability of kashmir to misuse by miscreants elements such as separatist
  • Many in strategic circles hail this consolidation and complete integration of J&k state with Indian union as strategic move especially when the Pakistan's ally  Taliban is about to come back to power in Afghanistan post US withdrawal of NATO troops,but the threat perception is still there in kashmir especially as J&K and Ladakh border rogue neighboring countries such as Pakistan and China respectively ,the Indian security and intelligence apparatus has to remain extra vigilant

  •  Other than kashmir issue ,the US-India bilateral meet also agreed to restart negotiations on a trade deal,Wherein India has agreed to increase energy imports from US
  • Thus G7 summit provided an ample opportunity for PM Modi to express India's stance with respect to Kashmir both to the mercurial US president Trump and International media
