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THE HINDU Editorial explained 29 August

UPSC current affairs-

THE HINDU Editorial explained

August 29

1)Hardly the brick and Mortar of a revival- Jayati Ghosh

Image result for economic slowdown 

  • The article focuses on recent RBI surplus transfer to Government treasury ,the author suggest the money should be used to spurge demand 
  • The rise in demand will be attained through increase in wages and government increased expenditure on rural employment schmes like MGNREGA
  •  The author highlights that recent Finance minister statements of revoking surcharge fee ,infusing more liquidity into banks so that credit flow increases ,all such measures address only supply side measures and leaves demand side
  • The effects of GST and Demonetisation have impacted the Informal sector more than the formal sector,the 2019 budget didnot provide any relief,hence the author cautions the government to utilize the RBI surplus of 1.76 lakh crore in an optimal manner else this will be just another piecemeal solution

 2)Kashmir's Information vacuum - Aayush Rathi  & Akrithi Bopanna

                   Image result for kashmir internet shutdown

  • The article focuses on the internet and other communication shutdown in Jammu and Kashmir post abrogation of Article 370 which provided special privileges to the erstwhile J&K state 
  • The Communication facilities were cutoff since August 5 ,the government has justified based on Law and Order necessities
  • The author highlights that a recent study has shown that wherever network facilities are avaialble ,protestors resort to Non - violence means of protest 
  •  Similarly the communication blackout are traits of authoritarian regimes which may taint the image of India as a constitutional democracy
  • The author cites the archaic,non-transparent and colonial era legislation such as section 144 of criminal procedure code has been used to order curfew in real world as well as virtual world
  • A new rule notified 2017 The Temporary suspension  of Telecom services rules promised to be more transparent in procedure ,however even this new rule is again vague 
  • The article concludes with a caution that political censorship and information vacuum is not good for democracy

3 ) Message Delivered

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  • India was invited as a guest nation in recent G7 summit ,Biarritz,France
  •  PM Modi addressed G7 nations on India's role in tackling climate change and India's advances in utilizing  Digital Transformation for the good of people
  • The important event however was the meeting between President Trump and PM Modi ,Modi has clearly articulated to Trump that Kashmir issue is a bilateral issue and doesnot require any third parties to mediate
  • They also discussed about  continuing negotiations on US-India Trade deal
  • Overall this G7 meeting was successful in terms of bilateral meeting,but was miserable when it comes to multilateral consensus,be it issue of climate change,Iran nuclear issue or that of Trump's idea to include Russia back into G7
  • This was the first G7 summit without any final declaration,this reflects today's global situation

4)Murder most foul

Image result for honor killing

  • This article focuses on the issue of Honor killing -a term used to denote murder or killing of people who marry outside their caste or who disobey the caste rules
  • This was in news as a  sessions court sentenced 10 members gang who murdered Kevin, a dalit christian on grounds of intercaste marriage
  • The judge sentenced them with life imprisonment
  • Earlier judgements on similar cases have also requested for a strong legislation to deter such killings, the judges in an earlier instance have remarked that "there is no Honor in Killing
  • The incident brings to the fore caste structure is not unique to Hinduism ,only a comprehensive law , protective shelters for inter caste couplesand awareness campaigns can bring about a change
