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UPSC current affairs and editorial analysis pdf notes ,September 26

The HINDU editorial notes for UPSC

September 26,2019

1) The Real Deal,On India-U.S. trade deal

  • Despite all the bonhomie between US president and Indian PM Modi ,both sides failed to arrive at a limited trade deal.
  • The most concerning issue was the Indian tariff of 20% on ICT products which US wants to be reduced.India put those tariff  in order to check influx of Chinese electronic goods.
    US India trade deal upsc
    pic source:deccanherald
  • America has also asked India to open up its diary , agriculture products and medical devices market.They are politically and economically crucial sectors for India.Trump's desperation to show a trade deal victory before an election year is looming over the trade negotiations
  • Trump's tariff tactics to succumb China didn't work ,He should not repeat the same with India.
  •  Trump must remember that a trade deal is not one side bullying another side to succumb to its interests ,both the parties have to believe in a policy of give and take for a trade deal to succeed.
  • When a limited trade deal itself seems to be perplexed with problems,A full scale trade agreement covering contentious issues such as e-commerce, intellectual property and H-1B visa seems nowhere to be on the horizon.
          To read complete source article,click here

          Read more on India-US trade issues ,here

2) Brexit interrupted,On U.K. Supreme Court ruling 


brexit upsc
  • In the recent turn of events in Brexit, The UK Supreme court ruled that Boris Johnson decision to prorogue parliament is unlawful .
  • This comes as a hurdle to Boris Johnson Government and its plan to deliver Brexit,but PM Boris Johnson is still determined to go ahead with another call for prorogation.
  • The opposition labour party have claimed that Boris Johnson's  Government has no right to continue , however they are  reluctant to pass a No confidence motion.,
  • The labor party stance to prioritize an orderly Brexit deal over an election is wise step in these changed circumstances.
  • The crucial Irish backstop still remains a thorny issue in Brexit negotiations ,any future course of action will depend upon it.
          To read complete source article ,click here

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  3) Different Peas in Different Pods ,on Indian Biotech and IT sector

biotech sector in india upsc
Pic source: @makeinIndia 
  • This article provides a good  analysis of Biotechnology sector in India ,the challenges it faces and solutions to overcome those challenges.
  •  Funding is a major challenge facing the Biotech industry ,the government has been doing its part ,but the private players must be encouraged to invest in R&D 
  • Human Resource- unlike IT sectors ,Biotech industry needs a highly specialized section of workforce which in turn depends on the quality of academic institutions.Hence there is limited employment generation potential.
  • Infrastructure: Biotech industry needs a well defined laboratory infrastructure ,only few institution in India offer it.Following the Chinese model ,Government and  private  players must partner  in building necessary infrastructure.
  • Innovation-The government's entrepreneurship promotion initiatives through BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council) has helped build many startup ,but unlike IT sector startups, biotech startups needs entrepreneurs with lot of experience and access to sophisticated instruments.
  • For applied research and innovation to flourish in India Biotech sector,there needs to be a robust Industry - Academia partnership.
  • The academic professors should be encouraged to work on industry projects.
  • The already successful IT sector can complement Biotech sector with its expertise in AI ,machine learning and other emerging technologies.
  • The future of Biotech sector is bright in India ,the discoveries made in Biotech will help us solve some of pressing societal issues such as cleaning rivers,ensuring food security ,producing life saving drugs.
           To read complete source article ,click here

           Read more Biotech sector in India,here 

4) An award and an unholy trade off

liberty upsc
pic source:thehindu

  • The Crux of the article is that right to liberty and freedom cannot be made a trade-off for state's provision of social goods.
  • Benevolent dictators have precisely accomplished this feat.They grant their people the basic precondition of life,but take away the right to freedom.
  • Citing the recent Kashmir clamp down situation ,the author mentions that Quid pro quo exchange  of development with  human rights is not a good sign for democracy.
  • A democratic state is obliged to provide  citizens with basic precondition of food , education , health  for exercise of freedom
  • These social goods are however but milestones on the road to freedom.
  • "Social goods are enabling,freedom is life giving" , that's why numerous struggles starting from the French revolution to recent Mandela's movement have struggled hard to protect freedom.
         To read complete source article,click here 

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  1. Appreciate your work in providing editorial summaries. It really saves a lot of time which, otherwise, would be spent in notemaking on a daily basis.

    1. Your feedback means a lot to us

      Thanks for apppreciating our work

  2. Where are rest of the summary after September?

    1. Due to some difficulties ,i was not able to post for last 5 months

      i hope to bring back the daily notes soon

  3. I could not find the rest of the summary from October month ? Where are they ? Please reply as soon as possible

    1. Due to some difficulties ,i was not able to post for last 5 months

      i hope to bring back the daily notes soon


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