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The HINDU editorial analysis and notes September 19

THE HINDU EDITORIAL Analysis and Notes

September 19,2019

1) Obama was right about Iran

IRAN nuclear deal upsc

  • This article compares Obama’s carrot and stick approach towards Iran with that of Trump’s unilateral maximum pressure approach
  • When Trump pulled US unilaterally out of the Iran nuclear deal ,he felt that Iran would eventually cave into another deal under maximum pressure of sanctions
  • But to Trump’s dismay, Iran retaliated for Trump's unpredictability with its own unpredictable behavior and retaliated for Trump's maximum pressure with maximum resistance.
  • Post US withdrawal from nuclear deal and subsequent unilateral sanctions , Iran initially waited for other signatories of the deal (P5+EU +Germany) to react, but they remained mere spectators in front of US unilateral sanctions
  • Iran then upped its ante through two pronged approach
    1. Firstly a step by step violation of JCPOA nuclear deal
    2. Secondly Iran believes that if it cannot market its oil then no one else should .Hence Iran started disrupting the global oil supplies route in Persian gulf
  • In its follow up of the latter strategy,there were some attacks on oil tankers in Persian Gulf and a shot down of US surveillance drone.
  • Similar to Yom Kippur war of 1973 where Egypt tried to get sinai peninsula back from Israel , Iran is going all out to win the game.
  • In contrast to Trump's policy , Obama consolidated international opinion against Iran's erratic nuclear threat and imposed UN sanctions and then offered olive branch of talks to Iran .This classic carrot and stick approach empowered moderators in Iran and sidelined extremist.
  • Obama didnot compel Iran to shed its proxy allies in West Asia for he knew that Islamic republic of Iran insecure since its inception has carefully designed a forward defence policy which it will never lay down
  • Trump's unilateral sanctions and war mongering of US however has emboldened extremist elements in Iran ,now the security forces have a major say  .
  • Mr Trump may be reluctant to launch a war ,but he does not possess any alternative strategy .
  • He has failed to see how far Iran would go ,if it is pushed to a corner
       To read the complete source editorial,click here

       Read more about the JCPOA deal facts for upsc ,here

2) A self inflicted economic slowdown

economic slowdown upsc

  • The crux of the article is “the Government has failed to heed recommendations made by economists and bureaucrats on turnaround measures”
  • At the end of UPA II ,when policy paralysis was finally tackled and food and land bills were passed ,the economy started showing signs of growth
  • Despite oil prices led inflation ,the economy was back on track
  • Come 2014 ,the Modi Government won with huge mandate and had huge hopes for economic reforms.
  • The Government implemented some reforms but in a haphazard manner.
  • The advice of the then RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan on demonetisation was not heard
  • Similarly advice of  top ranking bureaucrat such as Hasmukh Adhia on step by step bank reforms were ignored.
  • Some economists even among the PM EAC circle cautioned but to no avail.
  • Now that signs of slowdown have become clear ,the finance minister is rolling out new set of reforms but these measures fall short of recommendation made by economist.
       To read the complete source editorial,click here
       Read more on steps to revive economy for upsc,here

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3) The Taliban problem

  • The US Taliban peace talks collapsed abruptly last week after a terror attack by Taliban claimed a US soldier life among 40 others Afghan civilians.
  • Now the peace talks are curtailed , a vengeful Taliban is unleashing itself on Afghans and threatening for more deaths.
  • With Afghan presidential election due on September 28 , Taliban wants to deter Afghan people from attending democratic process.
afghan peace process upsc

  • The fundamental problem with US Afghan peace process was that it excluded afghan Government at the insistence of Taliban a major compromise by the US side ,while Taliban didn't even compromise by signing a ceasefire during peace attack
  • A peace agreement dictated by Taliban terms won't sustain
  • Terrorist may not be keen on talks,but finding a solution to Afghanistan crisis must continue and a peace deal is more than necessary for stable Afghanistan.
  • Hence US along with Afghan Government and regional neighbors must continue negotiating for a peace deal .
        To read the complete source editorial,click here

         Read more about Afghan peace process and India's position  ,here 

4) Dangerous vacuum,On detention of political leaders in Kashmir

Kahmir article 370 upsc

  • The detention of Farooq Abdullah ,senior Kashmiri politician (NC leader) one of the prominent pro Indian voices in the valley under draconian (Public Safety Act)PSA act is an assault on democratic principles and the rule of law.
  • The argument that Kashmiri politicians use the state's special status to carry out corruption and nepotism is false as these problems are endemic to Indian politics.
  • Despite all the threats present in the valley,the political parties and politicians  in kashmir acted as a bridge between Indian Government and Kashmir local populace.
  • The arrest and detention of mainstream politicians in Kashmir will lead to a vacuum which will be then occupied by forces inimical to India.
          To read the complete source editorial,click here 
          Read more about the Public safety act facts for upsc,here

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