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The HINDU editorial analysis and notes pdf ,september 20


September 20,2019


1) Over the hills and far, far away

  • In last week of July ,eleven Himalayan states of Indian met in Dehradun demanding a Green Bonus or a payment for environmental services they provide to the nation.
  • The states asked for help to develop hydro power resources , subsidies to compensate for their environmental protection measures .
  • Be it political social or economic ,Indian mainstream plains based culture has found it difficult to come to terms with specificity of Himalayan region.
  • Many notable scholars have researched and written about this issue of how structurally different are the Himalayan regions from the Indian mainstream in terms of their social and economic structure.But hardly these research findings are translated into policy formula .
  • This integration problem of Mountainside lifestyle with majoritarian plain inhabiting people is not unique to India.China , Myanmar , Thailand also experience the same problem.
Himalayan ecology upsc

  • The integration of plains and Himalayan mountainous region was a legacy of colonialism
  • Himalayas acted as a barrier to Russian colonial expansion and Chinese trade expansion. However the Brits with a clear policy of  establishing Hill station in a peaceful region and war like strategy towards violent tribesman successfully colonized and integrated it with the rest of India.
  • With Indian growth following the Western model of exploitation ,the natural resources in the Himalayan regions are being commodified.
  • Early last year Shimla residents took to protest against Tourist hotels for exhausting water supply and the ongoing Kashmiris struggle to preserve autonomy highlight the plight of the fragile socioeconomic and political  nature of the Himalayan states. 
  • The Government must understand the unique ecology and must formulate policies accordingly.
          To read complete source editorial,click here
          Read more about the fragile ecosystem of Himalayas for upsc ,here

2) Maths helped Einstein,it can help economy too

economic slowdown upsc

  • This article is basically a rebuttal to commerce minister remarks in a recent press conference where he cited Einstein and asked the audience to think out of the box  and not to get involved in math while talking  about development.
  • Although Newton first proposed universal law of gravitation,Einstein with the help of maths explained Gravity.
  • Einstein theory proved that gravitation is the manifestation of space time continuum.
  • Several astronomical observation have proved and verified Einstein theory.
  • Economics unlike other social sciences utilise higher mathematical models for real world simulation as well for quantitative reasoning.
  • Hence to say that planning and policy can be done without maths ,but through some ideological propaganda is a poor argument .
       To read complete source editorial,click here
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3) Smoke of the vapor

e-cigarette ban upsc

  • The Cabinet recently cleared the Prohibition of electronic cigarettes ordinance 2019.
  • Now any production , import , export , sale, distribution of advertisement and storage of e-cigarettes is a cognizable offence punishable with imprisonment or fine or both
  • E-cigarettes were actually found to aid smokers kick their habit slowly and gradually as these devices do not burn tobacco leaves.
  • But these battery operated devices are still harmful as they burn nicotine solution to produce aerosol.
  • Nicotine is an addictive substance and a tumor promoter
  • There is evidence now that vaping (activity of  smoking e-cigarettes) dangled as a fun school activity thereby luring youngsters and ironically introducing them to smoking.
  • WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), notes that e-cigarettes are harmful and  if used for long time may even lead to chronic pulmonary diseases.
  • The urgency of the Government to nip the issue in bud is necessitated by the fact a huge amount of e-cigarettes and accessories were imported last year as shown in a parliamentary report.
  • The government must now ensure that its ban is implemented earnestly unlike the patchy execution of Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (COTPA act.)
       To read complete source editorial,click here

       Read more about e-cigarette ban and related facts for upsc,here

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  1. Thanks a lot

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  2. Now I'm thinking read editorial from here as lot information overload outside .
    so always keep this conciseness in future also

    1. Glad you liked it

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    2. You are literally the best.just found it today. A lot of love and respect for what you are doing..Thank you

    3. Thanks for your kind words of appreciation

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