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UPSC current affairs and editorial analysis pdf notes ,September 25

The HINDU editorial notes for UPSC

September 25,2019

1) Climate for action: On UN Climate Action Summit

UN climate action summit upsc, modi at UN ,climate change india. ,napcc upsc,greta thunberg

  •  Prime Minister Modi, in his address to UN Climate action summit asked all the countries" to walk the talk" on climate change control measures.
  • PM Modi also announced that India will enhance its renewable energy  capacity from 175 GW to 450 GW by 2022 to meet its NDC(Nationally Determined Contribution)
  • India despite being third largest polluter in absolute terms, is still not a major polluter on per capita emission standards as well as on historic emissions thanks to environment  friendly behavior of most of its citizens.
  • Thus India taking strident steps towards renewable and e-Vehicles is a welcome move
  • But there are some conflicting signals by Indian Government as well,namely policy announcements such opening of 100% FDI in coal plants,future reliance on coal plants etc
  • Besides the NAPCC(National Action Plan on Climate Change)declared in 2008 is outdated and does not have any legal backing.
  • There is no funding mechanism to allocate funds for states building climate resilient infrastructures.
  • Thus it would be prudent on  India's part to strongly demonstrate its climate commitment on domestic measures. 
          To read complete source editorial ,click here 

          Read India's announcements at UN Climate action summit faqs for UPSC, here

2) Balakot Redux: On Gen Bipin Rawat's revelation of terrorist camp

balakot terror camps ,pakistan terror funding fatf upsc

  • General Bipin Rawat revelation at OTA chennai that terrorist camps in balakot have started functioning again is deeply worrying.
  • The army in response has increased the troops presence along the LoC .
  • It  underlines the hard  reality that replenishing terrorists post surgical attacks is not a big challenge for Pakistan.
  • The preemptive strikes on Balakot terrorist camps carried out by Indian Air force in retaliation to Pulwama attacks seems to have had little effect.
  • It also  goes onto show the world,  that internationally sanctioned terrorists can roam around with impunity in Pakistan.

    To read complete  source editorial ,click here

    Read more about post Balakot challenges ,here

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3)Another chance in Afghanistan

afghan peace process ,taliban ,camp david summit trump afghan Government indian upsc

  • US President Donald Trump called off a proposed camp David summit between Afghan government and Taliban and curtailed the peace negotiations .This was seen as response to a Taliban terror attack just days before the summit which claimed US soldier's life.
  •  The peace deal negotiated by  Zalmay Khalilzad from the beginning US agreeing to many of Taliban's terms and US stressing little on return
  • Thus the curtailment of such a bad peace deal is good sign for India on multiple accounts
  • Firstly Pakistan dreams of expanding its strategic depth in South Asia  by influencing Afghan Taliban is doomed.
  • Secondly an Taliban controlled Afghan government would have meant difficulties for Indian infrastructure projects there.
  • Also Pakistan's aim to push for Afghan talibans is kashmir valley as its did in 1980s has been stopped for now.
  • India’s best bet in Afghanistan would be a negotiated withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan, for this would check the Taliban’s proclivity to engage in trouble- making outside Afghan territory.
  • Despite all these ,India must try to outreach to Taliban, as the hard reality shows that Taliban controls half of the afghan territory and are here to stay.
  • Most of Afghan neighbors(Russia,China) have recognized it and have already recognized it and some have enen started negotiation with Taliban
  •  India on its part must at least try to engage if not recognize Taliban,this  may make the Afghan government unhappy. Hence it needs to be carefully calibrated and discreetly executed.
          To read complete source editorial ,click here 

           Read more about the Afghan peace process, here

4) Defeated, discredited and diminished

brexit UK parliament supreme court brexit boris johnson , separation of powers upsc

  • The  eleven  Judge UK supreme court has unanimously decided  to quash UK prime minister Boris Johnson decision to prorogue Parliament as they deemed it as "unlawful and void".
  • The case is significant as it has touched on the powers of all the key institutions of Britain’s unwritten constitution. 
  •  To start with, it defined the powers of Parliament versus those of the judiciary. 
  • It also determined at what point the jurisdiction of the legislature ends and that of the executive starts. Finally, it even touched upon the constitutional role of the Queen.  
  • Boris Johnson's government on its defense argued  that the need for a Queen’s speech to set out new legislation justified prorogation,but it was almost scoffed at by the judges stating that five days would have been enough for such a move and there is no need to curtail parliament for five weeks.
  • Those who criticized  Boris decision to prorogue parliament welcomed the ruling .They claim the judgement  enforces their stance, that PM's decision to curtail parliament from discussing brexit is unlawful.
  • The future of Boris Johnson is unclear as of now ,will he resign with the distinction of being the shortest lived UK prime minister? 
          To read complete source editorial ,click here
           Read in detail about Brexit issue and related events ,here

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